
u m m e r
in residence 2001
u l y - o
c t o b e r
Domenico Luciani -
Benetton Research and Study Foundation,
" The scientific, formative and experimental approach which we have
adopted in our work with regard to landscape and garden can be summed up
in the key word "government"'.
It is a question of rethinking the very concept of landscape and garden
in order to discover immediate and effective consequences.
It is a question of being aware of the unstoppability of the changes in
the form and life of places, and of accepting responsibility for directing
these places towards new forms and new future lives, in such a way as to
preserve their fundamental characteristics, their inherent physiognomic
features. Governing these permanent and unstoppable changes is necessary
everywhere and becomes indispensable in those places where nature abounds.
No one is any longer in doubt that this necessity exists, but what exactly
is required, who should deal with it and how these people should be trained
is still , in the year 2001, a question of post-degree experimentation.
The debate is open."
(Arch. Domenico Luciani - Director of the Benetton Foundation)
In the fifteen years it has been operating (1987-2000), the Benetton Foundation
has contributed a great deal to the task of understanding, protecting and
enhancing the infinite universe of the heritages of nature and memory, and
has promoted and participated in studies and research in the most diverse
fields and on a variety of scales, ranging from the restoration of ancient
books to the revival of "historic" gardens, from the readjustment
of archive funds to the historical surveys thereby made possible (fiscal
sources, campaign history), from the definition of programmes for the government
of the landscape (courses, laboratories, seminars on the care and protection
of the environment) to the restoration of architectural and artistic monuments
and surveys on migrations and on the heritage of testimony, the signs and
meanings that these carry.