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Unidee in residence 2001
...............................................j u l y  -  o c t o b e r


Stefan Münker -
editor of cultural TV programs and expert in media
and contemporary philosophy, Berlin

Stefan Münker lives in Berlin where he works as editor for a cultural tv program and author of texts about media theory and contemporary philosophy. He studied philosophy, art history and German literature in Hamburg, Köln, Paris and Berlin. After his PhD in 1992 he was a co-founder of the agency philosophische praxis berlin. Münker worked as journalist for the e-zine Telepolis and as guest professor at the Free University of Berlin.
Books: (together with Alexander Roesler): Mythos Internet (1997), Televisionen (1999) Telefonbuch (2000, all published at Suhrkamp: Frankurt) Poststrukturalismus (Metzler: Stuttgart 2000).