July 5th
Meeting with Paolo
Managing Director of Cittadellarte
Sitting around the Mediterranean table Paolo Naldini
speaks about the origin of Cittadellarte, the concept of co-authorship,
what is Social Responsible Transformation, model projects,
the economic situation of the Biellese, the structure of Cittadellarte
and its offices. |
July 7th and 11th 2006
Workshop "Reading the territory",
held by Stefano
director of the Tourist Office (ATL) of Biella
“Il Biellese”: elements of the landscape,
the history, the peasant and the industrial tradition, art as a tool
for reagind a territory, tales and legends, music and poems about the
Biellese; examples and indication to read a territory.
The residents were asked to give their first impressions about Biella
and the territory, and present them in the next meeting. And this could
be done by using any medium: pictures, sketches, writings, etc…
On July the 11th the residents present the result of their reflections
and research.
www.atl.biella.it |
July 10th 2006
Meeting with Michelangelo
Pistoletto, Artistic
director of Cittadellarte
Michelangelo Pistoletto speaks about Cittadellarte.
Tour in the exhibition of Michelangelo’s art works with him: he
explain his vision of art, and the concepts that guide his work. |
July 12th and 13th 2006
Love Difference Unidee 2006 workshop,
step 1 - the process:
"Shared creative projects for common good", held by Artway
of Thinking
Artway of Thinking is a cultural association founded
by Stefania Mantovani and Federica Thiene.
The social-comunitary-relational art is based on the observation and
the listening of the content and of the community that live that content.
The relations with the local subjects are a creative potential for transforming
and regenerating the content.
Presentation of their activity; practical exercises and presentation
of the works.
meeting curated by Love Difference www.lovedifference.org
(Filippo Fabbrica, coordinator) |
July 17th 2006
Workshop "Social Responsible Transformation",
with the Unidee staff
What is the Social Responsible Transformation.
Which criteria has to follow a project.
The difference between a social worker and an artist.
The nets of transformation. |
July 20th and 21st 2006
Workshop "Free Software and Free Knowledge",
held by Marco Ciurcina
and Juan Carlos Gentile
What is free software: its philosophy, its origins.
Internet and Free Software: creative and relational potential.
Free Knowledge: intellectual property and digital right.
Working with Free Software: the practice and the diffusion.
Marco Ciurcina and Juan Carlos
Gentile are members of "Hipatia – Free knowledge in action
for the people of the world”. www.hipatia.info |
July 25th 2006
Presentation of “BocciaMi”,
by Beatrice Catanzaro and Michele Fontana
Presentation of the project "Bocciami",
intervention of public art as a partecipative model, with Beatrice
Catanzaro, artist, UNIDEE resident in 2004, and Michele Fontana, video
artist, performer, UNIDEE resident in 2005.

July 26th 2006
Meeting with the
Trento School of Management
Three students present their research made in collaboration
with “Love Difference”: the relation between art and the
research on the Love Difference website |
July 27th and 28th 2006
Workshop held by Raphaelle
De Groot
Presentation of the project “8 x 5 x 363 + 1”
made in the F.lli Cerruti factory by Raphaelle De Groot, artist, UNIDEE
resident in 2002.
On July 28th, visit to the Lanificio Giuseppe Botto to see all the sectors,
following the production process.
x 5 x 363 + 1" on the website of Cittadellarte |
August 3rd and 4th 2006
Workshop held by 001000100101
001000100101 are Italian artists
that work together using strategies of non conventional communication
to get visibility and diffuse their messages.
In the meeting they explain their art work following the temporal sequence.
Then there is a discussion between them and the residents: is their
way of working ethically correct?
www.0100101110101101.org |
September 20th 2006
Meeting with Mark
Mark Vanderbeeken explains the basics
of communication: the text or the speech have to be brief and essential.
Exercise of communication: explain someone else’s project.
Mark Vanderbeeken had decennial experience in the marketing and international
communication sector for “mission-oriented” institutions
in Belgium, USA, Denmark, and Italy.
Meeting organized by the Communication Office -
Cittadellarte |
September 28th 2006
Love Difference Unidee 2006 workshop,
step 2 - the vision:
"Cultural Identities in a Multicultural Society" , conference
with Yudhishthir Raj
The conference, in the within of the Love Difference
project "Europoly", is held by Yudhishthir Raj Isar, Professor
of Cultural Politic at the International Communication Department at
the American University of Paris.
meeting curated by Love Difference www.lovedifference.org
(Filippo Fabbrica, coordinator) |
October 2nd 2006
Workshop "Ethical Bank and Finance",
held by Giovanni Acquati
and Francesco Bernabei
(Economy Office - Cittadellarte)
How and when the ethical finance was born.
An alternative economy.
Origins and movement of the capital sum.
The aim, the vision, the practice.
Giovanni Acquati, economist, expert of alternative
economy and ethical finance is President of “Mag 2”, an
holding company that support different methodologies in using money
that combine financing activities and social earning.
www.mag2.it |
October 4th and 5th 2006
Workshop held by Big
Big Hope is a group of 3 artists: Miklos Erhardt (Hungary),
Dominic Hislop (England), Elske Rosenfeld (Germany), born in Budapest
The group's aim is the construction of strategies for increasing the
mutual interest between the structure and the communication of the social
reality and the vast art world.
The workshop is about the relation between social workers and artists:
which are the roles of the social workers? How creativity can be used
in socially problematic environment?
On October 5th the workshop is held in the space "In Primo Luogo",
in Turin, home of the project "Letterature di Svolta" (www.letteraturedisvolta.it)
www.bighope.hu |

October 6th 2006
Presentation by Natalia
Restrepo Restrepo
Natalia Restrepo Restrepo is a Colombian
artist, UNIDEE resident in 2001. She presents her work as an artist
and the project “El Puente”.
October 11th 2006
Meeting with
Bryan Davies and Laura
Bryan Davies and Laura Quarmby are artists,
UNIDEE residents in 2002.
They founded the Artist House in Leeds: an art studio whose aim is to
put art in relation with other areas of the society: business, education,
popular culture, realizing creative project of interaction with the
www.artisthouse.org.uk |
October 24th 2006
Love Difference Unidee 2006 workshop,
step 3 - the evaluation:
"Impact of the Arts in the Society",
conference with Anna
Anne Bamford is the director of the Engine Room of the Art College
of Wimbledon, Art University, London. She is internationally known
for her research about the recent methods of education and visual
communication. She presents her research about the impact of art in
education, practical exercises regarding this theme, the importance
of the evaluation of a project: did the project achieve the aim?
meeting curated by Love Difference www.lovedifference.org
(Filippo Fabbrica, coordinator) |