Sviluppo S.O.S.tenibile
Self sustainable internet portal
We will create an internet portal used to propose an alternative
development model through information and didactical instruments.
Begin to consume less and produce in an economic, social and environmental
sustainable way.
A documentary film is the first didactical tool for
the portal. Other instruments that will be produced include a network
– online simulation game on emissions trading and Kyoto protocol,
an emissions calculator, animations on the CO2 cycle, tips for optimizing
energy use, a movie on “how electrical energy is produced”
and the creation of “action figures” representing actors
of environmental and ecological situations. The portal will even present
theoretical information on ecological and energy-related issues as
well as very practical information, both of which were collected from
collaborations with technical universities worldwide. From the portal
you can directly reach web sites of responsible producers working
with the same aim.